My recent newsletters have been covering the concepts around resilience. Clearly, a topic that matters these days, judging by the responses I have been getting.
This model comes from a program I run on Resilience and developing Buoyant People - those who can rise with the tide. Whether it be a tide of adversity or overwhelm or stress or burnout.
Next link in the chain (and you can read my previous posts from the links below) is about Tenacity. This is about having the ability to stay optimistic, respond POSITIVELY to adversity and persevere through the difficulties to quickly get back on track.
Staying with problems for longer, tenacity is more important than intelligence in achieving success. Success in life is due to CONSISTENCY, not talent. 80% is about showing up, no matter what.
Michael Lim says
"Repetition and discipline beat talent". And, even Albert Einstein said, "It's not that I'm so smart. It's just that I stay with problems longer".
Whether it is an illness, or a setback at work, or some other calamity, tenacity indicates a measure of hardiness that helps us to keep going, keep trying, and to bounce back quickly. This is closely tied to, and important for, reaching our goals.
So, the question I like to ask is "Do I finish what I started?" "Do I stick with things or give up early?"
I'd love to hear more of your comments. Or if I can help, or you want to know more about my Buoyant People programs, please let me know.