Gratitude Journal

In the last newsletter I shared the value of keeping a Gratitude Journal for two weeks. Simple, one thing every day that you are grateful for. But you could not repeat that thing again in the two weeks commitment.

I promised I would share twenty things that can be improved in your life from doing this exercise. I invite you now to read through this list and tick off what you have noticed has improved. And, if you didn’t complete your journal, I hope this list will motivate you to try it.

Being aware of what we are grateful for:

  1. Lowers our stress levels.

  2. Induces a sense of calm, especially at night, if we journal then.

  3. Increased perspective and allows us to see the bigger picture.

  4. Increases our clarity of our situation or surroundings.

  5. Improves our focus on what is important to us.

  6. Helps us become more self-aware.

  7. It becomes a great reference for when we are feeling down

  8. Improves our mindfulness and being in the moment.

  9. Helps us see the small stuff and how we relate to it.

  10. We get to recognise the good patterns and people in our lives.

  11. We feel more accomplished.

  12. We become more empathetic towards others.

  13. We can get a sense of motivation to compassion

  14. Improves our inter-relational connectedness.

  15. Helps us express our gratitude to others

  16. Improves our levels of anxiety (we can’t be anxious and grateful at the same time)

  17. Can improve depression in some people.

  18. Increases our life satisfaction

  19. Improves our ability to see the positives in a situation

  20. Makes us far nicer companions.

I said I would give you twenty reasons to try this exercise. I would love to hear from you if we can add to this list. Let me know how you went?


Just Breathe


I Am So Grateful For Gratitude